Chippendale Dining Chairs
Mostly made of mahogany, Chippendale chair designs made the splat seem lighter by being pierced into graceful openwork of ribbons and scrolls. Chippendale's early work featured the Queen Anne cabriole leg terminating in the ball and claw motive. Chippendale chairs are notably wider, lower and more comfortable.
Chippendale chairs fall into three groupings. Rococo Chippendale designs were made to be less showy than their French inspiration. This perhaps led to his most famous chair; the ribbonback chair with its broad seat, pierced splat of carved interlacing ribbons and a cupid's bow-style back rail.
Pointed arches and s-shaped curves characterize Gothic Chippendale furniture. Including bookcases with triangular tops and wooden glazing bars securing glass panels.
Chinese Chippendale chairs often included fretwork on the backs and legs of chairs. Usually coated w/ lacquer.
Adam Chippendale Dining Side Chair
Adam Chippendale Dining Armchair
Chippendale Side Chair
Gothic Chippendale Dining Armchair
Gothic Chippendale Side Chair
Chippendale Armchair
Chippendale Arm Chair
Chippendale Dining Armchair
Chippendale Side Chair With Floral Accents
Amphorae Chippendale Arm Chair
Upholstered Chippendale Armchair
Chippendale Dutton Side Chair
Chippendale Ribbon Back Side Chair
Chippendale Dining Side Chair